My Policy Bootcamp
My Policy Bootcamp
Don’t just watch from the stands; get in the game and advocate.
Keypoint Sessions
Did You Know?
Jenis Polisi Awam
To provide a comprehensive understanding of the policymaking process from its conception to its
implementation to Malaysian youths.
To create a platform for youth to engage in public policymaking systemically and based on
actual process;
To develop social and civic competencies among youths in Malaysia;
To inculcate a culture of objective policy discussions and critique among Malaysian youth.
Program Approach
- 1-hour seminar delivered by subject matter experts, followed by Q&A with the participants
- Every Masterclass may be preceded with a 30-minute open dialogue with a YB (a Member of Parliament or
State ADUN)
- 3-hour immersive experiential learning with practical exercise, group activity and hands-on case study
- Each workshop is to be delivered by 1 trainer and assisted by facilitators
- Participants are provided with learning materials such as article, video or podcast on topics that were covered
in Masterclass or Workshop - Their understanding will be assessed by completing online quiz within 1 week, on Google Classroom
- Participants will be split into 25 groups, which will be further clustered into 5 policy clusters
- Each cluster will be assigned with a mentor who will guide the participants for the Policy Making Challenge
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Don’t just watch from the stands; get in the game and advocate.